torsdag 22 maj 2014

Fysiker och Kemister under 1800 talet

James Chadwick var en brittisk kärnfysiker och det var även han som upptäckte neutronen. Han färdigställde den danske kärnfysikern Nilsen Bohurs modell genom att lägga till neutronen. Neutronen som är den delen av atomer som inte är laddad och tog därför lång tid att hitta. James Chadwick levde mellan 1891 - 1974  och fick nobelpriset i fysik för sina upptäckter kring neutronen och atomer 1935, när han var 39 år gammal. James Chadwick hjälpte sedan till med att konstruera atombomben i USA med hjälp av sin forskning. Atombomben släpptes sedan ner i Hiroshima sommaren 1945 och fick förödande konsekvenser. 

John Dalton var en brittisk kemist och fysiker som levde mellan 1766 - 1844. Han var grundaren till den moderna atomteorin. Redan som 12 åring började han undervisa andra på skolor och fortsatte göra det genom livet. John Dalton spann vidare på den grekiske filosofen Demokritos tankar om att atomen var den minsta beståndsdelen. Han upptäckte även att kol var ett grundämne 1803, när han var 41 år gammal, men det publicerades först 1807. Han är också skapare av Daltons lag. 

onsdag 21 maj 2014

Essay writing:

 1.   For what reason do you think Doctor Merrick’s decided to start the facility? What do you think ”The Island” is really saying about human cloning? Are you surprised by this in a Hollywood film?   

I think Doctor Merrick’s got a god complex. He wants to be able to save human life on a hole new level and be the only one who can do it. Dr Merrick’s even says that he wants to be able to save kids from ever getting leukemia, witch is a form of cancer and doctors and scientist hasn’t figured out any cure to cancer yet. It’s often that people get a god complex when the accomplished greatness and when they have done things they never thought they would be able to do. You want to get further and won’t let anything stop you. I think that the person who produced or wrote The Island want’s to warn us of what could happened and how cloning could do more harm than good. To create a life to save yourself and kill whatever life you made after getting better is dangerous in many ways and that’s what I think the movie is telling us. That The Island is a Hollywood movie doesn’t surprise me. There’s a lot of violence and the content of the movie is something that many people like to watch, just because there’s a possibility that it could happened and that fears us. 

2.   What does Jordan mean when she says, ”The Island is real. It’s us”. What, if anything, is this saying about the human hope for some paradise or for heaven? 

Everyone is in some kind of way scared of dying. We want to live as long as possible and to stay away from death. When cloning is discovered in the movie the humans can have their long lives and that’s like a paradise for them and their only hope. Like the island is the ”products” only hope the ”products” are the humans only hope and that is why Jordan says: The Island is real. It’s us. The movie shows that most humans greatest wish is to live for ever and that, it’s our paradise and our heaven. We don’t want to die and if we could avoid it many of us would.