Ghoulish - Hemsk
Immediately - Omedelbart
Scurried - Skyndade
Astonished - Överraskad
Rampage - Härja
Contemptuos - Föraktfull
Prune - Beskär
Scornfully - Hånle
Hesitate - Tveka
Grudging - Missunnsam
Boasting - Skryt
Latch - Låst
Oughta - Borde
Doubtfully - Tveksamt
Venomous - Giftigt
Frown - Rynkad panna
Earthworm - Daggmask
Chalking - Kritning
Despised - Föraktade
Creativ Conector:
as a funny or cool thing to do. I think it is STUPID!
I think this book is a lot like the reality. The bullies, the bullied and the others that just stand by
doing nothing and the persons that help the bully. I also think adults have to start pay attention
to the children and the children have start find the courage to help the victim.
People have to start act and not just watch and talk. Help and Act are two thinks we have to focus
on not what's happening or what the case is. PLEASE stop watch and start HELP and ACT!
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