måndag 11 februari 2013

Homework: v. 7


Ghoulish - Hemsk 

Immediately - Omedelbart 

Scurried - Skyndade 

Astonished - Överraskad

Rampage - Härja 

Contemptuos - Föraktfull 

Prune - Beskär 

Scornfully - Hånle  

Hesitate - Tveka

Grudging - Missunnsam 

Boasting - Skryt 

Latch - Låst 

Oughta - Borde 

Doubtfully - Tveksamt 

Venomous - Giftigt 

Frown - Rynkad panna

Earthworm - Daggmask 

Chalking - Kritning 

Despised - Föraktade 

Creativ Conector:

I can connect the situation in the book with the reality a bit. Ruth is lucky that Shay came around, if she did'n Ruth would go through the bully thing until she would find the courage to say no! In the reality it happens things like this every day and people have to go through it without help from anybody. Adults don't notice what happens and other children can't find the courage to help. I know because I've been there. There isn't always e a reason to get bullied. The bully maybe even make the good sids a person look bad. And sometimes the bully insecure and have to make someone else to look bad so they don't. Sometimes people se it 
as a funny or cool thing to do. I think it is STUPID!

I think this book is a lot like the reality. The bullies, the bullied and the others that just stand by 
doing nothing and the persons that help the bully. I also think adults have to start pay attention 
to the children and the children have start find the courage to help the victim.  

People have to start act and not just watch and talk. Help and Act are two thinks we have to focus 
on not what's happening or what the case is. PLEASE stop watch and start HELP and ACT! 

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